Trusted By The World's Best Organizations
Our technology allows you to offer latest software to your possible customers!
Mintech has been helping organizations throughout the World to manage their IT with our unique approach to technology management and consultancy solutions. As one of the world's largest ITService Providers, our deep pool of over 130 certified engineers and IT support staff are ready to help.

Mahmoud Adel – Founder

Thinking insights, verified driven research, metrics make right decisions!
Thinking insights, verified driven research, metrics make right decisions!
Thinking insights, verified driven research, metrics make right decisions!
Help Your Business Win!
Mintech is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 17000 organizations in 90+ countries.
IT Management Services
IT management service that manages and oversees the IT infrastructure of organization responsible for network and operations which includes data communication.
Cyber Security Services
Drive your business and manage risk with a global industry leader in cybersecurity, cloud, and managed security services and extend your team with leading experts.
Cloud Computing Services
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user.
IT Consulting Services
Trying to solve all your IT challenges internally can become costly and a major distraction, Leveraging knowledgeable IT consulting firms like ushelps your business remain…
Software Dev Services
With shorter product cycles, rapid innovation, and mergers contributing to constant change, you are faced with making business decisions every day to advance your mission.
Backup & Recovery Services
While you can’t predict unexpected events, we’ll ensure the right precautions are in place to minimize downtime and keep you moving in the right direction.
Latest Case Studies
Success Stories
Timely service delivery & incident resolutions!!
Provide users with appropriate view and access permissions to requests, problems, changes, contracts, assets, solutions, and reports with our experienced professionals.
Our awards and recognitions

CSS Design Award
A web design & development award platform for digital folk, UI/UX peeps and inspiring leaders of the web.

W3 Design Award
Awards celebrates digital by honoring outstanding Websites, Web Marketing, Video, Sites, Apps & Social content.

The FWA Award
Showcasing innovation every day since 2000, our mission is to showcase cutting edge creativity, regardless of the medium.

WWW Awards
The awards that recognize the talent and effort of the best web designers, developers and agencies in the world.
Trusted by the world’s best organizations, for 15 years and running, it has been delivering smiles to hundreds of IT advisors, developers, users, and business owners.
Ensure High Availability of Your Services
Easy solutions for all difficult IT problems, keep business safe & ensure high availability.

If you’re looking for a rewarding career and the chance to make impact, you’ve come to the right place. We transform your business through our techniques!
John Peter

If you’re looking for a rewarding career and the chance to make impact, you’ve come to the right place. We transform your business through our techniques!
Sam Johnson

If you’re looking for a rewarding career and the chance to make impact, you’ve come to the right place. We transform your business through our techniques!
John Peter

If you’re looking for a rewarding career and the chance to make impact, you’ve come to the right place. We transform your business through our techniques!
Sam Johnson
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